Canada Goose Management
Estuary Rehabilitation
About Us
Front Matter
Title page, Message from the author, Disclaimer, Citation, Acknowledgments
Executive Summary
Document overview
Table of Contents
Table of Contents, , Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1 - Background
1.1 Problem Origins
1.2 From Rare Migrant to Locally Overabundant
1.3 First Management Efforts
1.4 Guardians of Mid-Island Estuaries Society
1.5 Study Area
Chapter 2 - Strategy Purpose and Goals
2.1 Overview
2.2 Purpose and Goals
2.3 Towards an Estuarine Marsh Restoration Plan
Chapter 3 - Introduction to the Canada Goose
3.1 Taxonomy
3.2 Food Preferences
3.3 Habitat Preferences
Chapter 4 - Current Regulatory and Policy Framework
4.1 Jurisdiction
4.2 Pacific Flyway Council
4.3 Migratory Birds Convention Act
4.4 Migratory Birds Regulations
4.5 Wildlife Policy for Canada
4.6 Hunting Regulations
4.7 BC Wildlife Act Permits
4.8 Firearm Regulations
4.9 Processing Non-hunted Wild Game for Consumption
4.10 Aboriginal/Indigenous Rights
Chapter 5 - The Need for Action
5.1 Few Benefits, Many Problems
5.2 Impacts to Estuaries
5.3 Other Ecological Impacts
5.4 Socio-economic Impacts
Chapter 6 - Population Structure
6.1 Banding
6.2 Goose Surveys
6.3 Subpopulations
6.4 Migrant Types
6.5 Relative Abundance of Migrant Types and Subpopulations
Chapter 7 - Canada Goose Seasons
Spring migration, nesting, moulting, fall migration, overwintering periods
Chapter 8 - Seasonal Distribution
8.1 Spring Migration and Pre-nesting
8.2 Nesting
8.3 Brood-rearing
8.4 Moulting
8.5 Transition - Moulting to Autumn Migration
8.6 Autumn Migration
8.7 Overwintering
Chapter 9 - Spatial Trends
​9.1 Hotspots
9.2 Site Fidelity
9.3 Nest Density
Chapter 10 - Population Trends
10.1 Statistical Analysis
10.2 External Data Sources
10.3 Life History by the Numbers
Chapter 11 - Management in Other Jurisdictions
11.1 International
11.2 National
11.3 Regional
Chapter 12 - Management Options
12.1 Status Quo
12.2 No Action
12.3 Additional Non-lethal Controls
12.4 Additional Lethal Controls
12.5 Renewable Resources
12.6 Compensation
SWOT analysis of management options
Chapter 13 - Carrying Capacity
13.1 Ecological Carrying Capacity
13.2 Social Carrying Capacity
13.3 Alternatives to Carrying Capacity
Chapter 14 - Strategic Direction
14.1 Responsibilities
14.2 Population Objectives
14.3 Spatial Objectives
14.4 Temporal Objectives
14.5 Social Objectives
14.6 Monitoring
14.7 Timelines
14.8 Actions
Table of management objectives
Chapter 15 - Personal Communications and Literature Cited
A. Survey Sites
B. Calendars
C. Limitations
D. Encounter Histories